22 February 2025
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Date : 2019 Saturday 16 Feb     |     Code : 38

On January 31st, “Introducing Methods of Holding a Journal Club” workshop was held at the faculty. First of all, Dr. Zamanzadeh, dean of the faculty, explained attending roles development and propagating evidence-based clinical practices. “Holding Journal Club could be one of the key steps towards the mentioned matters”, added Dr. Zamanzadeh later on.
Afterwards Ms. Valizadeh, a pediatric nursing lecturer, made a speech with preambles to the necessity and importance of holding journal clubs. Then Ms. Alizadeh, Ph.D stundent of nursing, described the difference between content-based and Methodological journal clubs. And then Dr. Sheykh-Alipour described journal club holding flowchart. In the end with the attendance of board members, discussions were continued about the existing challenges and problems of holding journal clubs.