History Library
Library of nursing School founded in 1295.
Statistic of property:
Now there are 5880 vol Persian books in 14633 version and 3877 vol English books in 5250 version, 220 Persian magazines and 217 English magazine and 577 vol thesis.

Library staff
Maryam Razmkhah (librarian in charge)
fatemeh Rayghan. (librarian)
Library Hours
Saturday- Wednesday (08:00-15:30)
Terms of bookloan
All students and staffs can borrow books under the provisions of librarian and professors, students, teachers. All personnel working in hospitals affiliated to Tabriz University of Medical Sciences with valid identification (personal cards) are able to borrow books under the provisions of librarian.
Absolutely not loaned resources:
- Thesis
- periodicals (in general)
- Reference (including dictionaries, encyclopedias, atlases, books, manuscripts of books and single-copy)
Brochures and training guides Library
Finding electronic journals available on campus
Learning how to use the database Science Direct
Introducing Brochures of library
Library Process
How to use the library stacks
How to use the educational portal
Video Guide on How the Iranian National Medical Digital Library
Nursing consult data base
End note web tutorial
Thieme database
Introduction to Search app library
Abstracting principles guide
Guide to Creating Profile in Google Scholar