09 March 2025
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Date : 2021 Saturday 29 May     |     Code : 103

To: All the esteemed research assistants of the faculties, the esteemed heads of the research institutes and research centers

Subject: Holding an educational webinar for researchers and faculty members regarding the health research effectiveness evaluation program (how to select and upload effective plans and necessary documents)

Greetings and Regards;
According to the attachment letter and numerous questions of esteemed faculty members and researchers regarding the effectiveness evaluation program of health research and the request of medical universities to hold educational webinars on how to select and upload effective plans and necessary documents, etc., Two training courses are held virtually according to the following schedule by the Deputy Minister of Research and Technology of the Ministry of Health.

The address to participate in the relevant webinar is https://vc.behdasht.gov.ir/rdce. Please inform all faculty members and researchers as soon as possible to participate in the above program.